"Nichts mehr davon, ich bitt euch. Zu essen gebt ihm, zu wohnen.
Habt ihr die Blöße bedeckt, gibt sich die Würde von selbst."
Friedrich Schiller
  June 2008 FOOD

LaRouche's Friend Kedidi Writes Op-Ed Backing Helga Zepp-LaRouches's Call to Double Food Production

Dr. Ahmed Al Kedidi, who is a friend of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, and Jacques Cheminade has written a lengthy op-ed in the Qatar daily {al Sharq} which was also picked up by the Saudi Online newspaper {Elaph}. Kedidi starts his commentary citing the title of Helga Zepp-LaRouche's article "Humanity Is in Mortal Danger," basically attributing it to the French weekly Nouvelle Solidarité. He also mentions Jean Ziegler as one of those who have been warning about the hunger crisis for more than 25 years. After summarizing the poverty situation in France, Kedidi states that while America, Europe, and Japan are capable of helping other nations, the Third World is facing what he calls hunger revolutions and inflation, while the governments are stopping the subsidies as the IMF recommends, "which makes us pity those governments: They will suffer from being compelled to use force and tear gas when the situation in the streets get chaotic," he said, referring to the Arab proverb "hunger is a disbeliever."

Kedidi points to bad policy and not simply lack of food, as the main cause of the crisis. He cites three people who recently have published reports supported by the testimony of experts and scientists -- FAO head Jacques Diouf, General Secretary of the Asian Development Bank Raga Nag, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche. He further mentions the leaders of the Third World who reached a consensus regarding the cause of the crisis. He cites, from the Davos Conference in Sharm El Sheikh where Egyptian President Mubarak indicated that biofuels are a major reason for the problem, to the proposal of Tunisian President Zain El-Abdine Iben Ali that the OPEC nations take $1 from every barrel of oil sold and donate it to the World Solidarity Fund, to Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade, who took some very clear measures and decisions, and Malawi President Bingu Wa Mutharika, who also made similar moves to secure food by going against international agreement. All of these agree on the causes and almost all agree on the solution.

Kedidi then says that these calls have come at the same time that Helga LaRouche has called for governments of the world to break with the WTO and the GATT. He mentions the Japanese collaboration with the African countries. On the other hand, he says, in the European Union there are two wings: One calls for saving Europe from Brussels and going back to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the opposite side is controlled by the British.Finally, he calls upon the Arab nations to take charge of the crisis before it's too late.